None of the vaccine doses the CDC recommends for routine injection into children were licensed by the FDA based on a long-term placebo-controlled trial.

None of the vaccine doses the CDC recommends for routine injection into children were licensed by the FDA based on a long-term placebo-controlled trial.
The manufacturers willfully misled the public.
1. The US created and released COVID-19 in conjunction with the WHO to compel the world to accept vaccines.
2. The objective was for the world to accept the WHO as the global health authority.
3. Additionally, it aimed to conceal state-sanctioned biological weapons programs that the US government does not want the world to know about.
All the issues we exposed in previous posts, except for censorship, have been removed as they failed to reach an agreement.
Rhinitis 30x, ADHD 20.8x, Asthma 17.6x, Ear Infections 27.8x, Gastrointestinal Disorders 13.8x, Autism 5x, Allergy 3.9x, Learning Disability 5.2x, Eczema 2.9x