Debunking the Climate Hysteria:
25 Shocking Facts About CO2
and Global Warming
Real Data vs. Fearmongering Models
CO2 Coalition is on a mission to reveal the startling truths about CO2 and global warming. Buckle up for a rollercoaster ride through 25 astonishing facts that challenge the prevailing climate hysteria.

In a world filled with climate change hysteria, the CO2 Coalition stands as a beacon of scientific reason and balance.
This coalition boasts an impressive roster of 162 esteemed members, including renowned scientists, respected professors, and prominent figures like Dr. John F. Clauser, the recipient of the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics, and co-founder and 15-year leader of Greenpeace, Patrick Moor.
The CO2 Coalition was established in 2015 for the purpose of educating thought leaders, policy makers, and the public about the important contribution made by carbon dioxide to our lives and the economy. The Coalition seeks to engage in an informed and dispassionate discussion of climate change, humans’ role in the climate system, the limitations of climate models, and the consequences of mandated reductions in CO2 emissions.
“Science produces empirical, measurable, objective facts and provides a means for testing hypotheses that can be replicated and potentially disproven. Approaches to policy that do not adhere to the scientific process risk grave damage to the economy and to science.”

A 140 Million-Year Trend of Dangerously Decreasing CO2
Fact 1 reminds us that Earth has experienced a staggering 140 million-year trend of decreasing CO2 levels. While this may sound alarming, it’s essential to understand that too little CO2 can eliminate vegetative life on the planet.

Diminishing Warming Effect.
The warming effect of each molecule of CO2 declines as its concentration increases
Fact 2 introduces us to the fascinating concept that the warming effect of each CO2 molecule decreases as its concentration increases. The first hundred ppm of CO2 indeed warms the planet, but the impact diminishes as we go higher. When we’re already at 300 or 400 ppm, adding more has a minuscule effect on warming.

First and foremost, CO2 is plant food.
A critical fact often overlooked by climate alarmists is that CO2 is plant food. Increasing CO2 levels from 150 ppm to 450 ppm, as we see today, leads to more robust plant growth—a boon for a planet where humans and animals alike rely on plants for sustenance.

In The Last Four Glacial Advances, The CO2 Level Was Dangerously Low
Did you know that the last four glacial advances in Earth’s history occurred during dangerously low CO2 levels? This fact puts into perspective the natural cyclical nature of climate change and raises questions about the role of CO2 as the driving force.

CO2 Emissions Began Accelerating In The Mid-20th Century
Fact 5 puts the current climate situation into historical context by highlighting that CO2 emissions began accelerating in the mid-20th century. However, the relevance of this fact is under scrutiny, given that changes in climate are part of Earth’s natural cycles.

Our Current Geologic Period (Quaternary) Has The Lowest Average CO2 Levels In The Last 600 Million Years
Our current geological period, the Quaternary, boasts the lowest average CO2 levels in Earth’s history. Yet, despite this, life has thrived and evolved. This fact challenges the narrative that rising CO2 levels are catastrophic.

CO2 Levels Near Record Lows. We Are CO2 Impoverished.
Fact 7 emphasizes that we are living in an era of CO2 impoverishment compared to much of Earth’s history. CO2 levels today are at the bottom of the scale when considering the grand geological timeline.

More CO2 Equals More Plant Growth
The correlation between increased CO2 levels and enhanced plant growth is undeniable. Commercial data shows that even a few hundred ppm of CO2 can lead to significant gains in plant growth—a benefit for both plant-based and animal-based diets.

CO2 Feeds More People Worldwide
Fact 9 builds upon the previous point by highlighting the positive impact of rising CO2 levels on grain production. This greening of the planet and increased food production is undoubtedly good news for humanity.

Modern warming began more than 300 years ago
Fact 10 delves into the historical temperature records, showing that the warming trend predates the recent spike in CO2 emissions. It questions the notion that our current climate situation is entirely driven by human activities.

Melting glaciers confirm modern warming predated increases of CO2
The melting glaciers, a frequent subject of climate alarm, actually began receding long before the CO2 increase we’re witnessing today. Fact 11 offers a sobering perspective on the cyclical nature of Earth’s climate.

Rising sea levels confirm modern warming predated increases of CO2
Fact 12 provides further evidence that rising sea levels have natural causes, including geological plate movements. It reinforces the idea that CO2 is just one player in a complex climate orchestra.

Temperatures changed dramatically during the past 10,000 years. It wasn’t us
This fact highlights temperature variability over the past 10,000 years, illustrating that Earth’s climate is naturally dynamic and affected by various factors beyond CO2.

Interglacials Are Part of Earth’s Cycles.
Interglacials usually last 10,000 – 15,000 years. Ours is 11,000 years old
Fact 14 reminds us that interglacial periods, like the one we’re in now, are cyclical and part of Earth’s long-term climate patterns.

Last Interglacial Was Warmer.
The last interglacial was 8°C (14°F) warmer than today. The polar bears survived. Greenland didn’t melt.
The previous interglacial period was eight degrees warmer than today, and Earth’s ecosystems thrived. This raises questions about the dire predictions associated with small temperature increases.

The current warming trend is neither unusual nor unprecedented (Part 1).
Fact 16 puts the current warming trend into perspective by comparing it to historical climate fluctuations. It shows that the ongoing changes are neither unusual nor unprecedented.

The current warming trend is neither unusual nor unprecedented (Part 2).
The Benefits of Warming.
Fact 17 highlights the advancements humanity has made during warmer periods. With technological progress, we are better equipped to handle extreme weather events and natural disasters.

Earth’s orbit and tilt drive glacial-interglacial changes.
Fact 18 introduces the Milankovitch cycles, which play a significant role in Earth’s climate. These cycles, along with solar energy, are major drivers of climate change.

We are living in one of the coldest periods in all of Earth’s history.
Believe it or not, Earth is currently in one of its coldest periods in history. This fact challenges the notion that we’re on the brink of a climate catastrophe.

Warmer Is Better Than Cold.
For most of Earth’s history, it was about 10°C (18°F) warmer than today.
Fact 20 underscores the fact that warmer temperatures are generally more favorable for human survival. Cold-related deaths far outnumber those caused by warmth.

IPCC models have overstated warming up to three times too much.
Fact 21 questions the accuracy of climate models, suggesting they may exaggerate warming trends up to three times too much. It’s a call to critically examine the models’ predictive capabilities.

For human advancement, warmer is better than colder.
This fact compares real-world data to climate models and raises doubts about the catastrophic predictions derived from these models.

CO2 increase is enhancing corn production… a lot.

A Look Back at CO2 Trends
A historical look at CO2 levels reveals that the relationship between CO2 and temperature is more complex than often portrayed.

Fact 25
More CO2 means moister soil.
The final fact highlights the positive impact of increased CO2 on soil moisture and plant growth, further challenging the doom-and-gloom scenarios propagated by climate alarmists.

In a world filled with climate change hysteria, these 25 facts provide a much-needed dose of reality. It’s crucial to separate scientific evidence from fearmongering. While acknowledging the importance of environmental stewardship, let’s ensure that policy decisions are grounded in data.
Don’t be deceived by globalists who invent global crises. Their objective is for you to accept a dictatorial government managed by them, utilizing 100% PRIVATE entities., the United Nations as a platform through its subsidiary, the World Health Organization, and its program, One Health, which encompasses the health of the planet.
Furthermore, it’s crucial to remember that next year, all countries may potentially sign what could become the most significant global treaty in history. This treaty could grant extensive legal powers to these private institutions, giving them unprecedented authority over health matters, including the health of the planet itself.
Beware that fear is often used as a tool to persuade you to relinquish your rights and grant them more power.
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