First Published on May 13, 2020
The NWO (New World Oder)

The World Monarch is Queen Elizabeth Windsor II
1. To establish a One World Government/New World Order with a unified church and monetary system under their direction.
2. To bring about the utter destruction of all national identity and national pride.
3. To engineer and bring about the destruction of religion.
4. To establish the ability to control of each and every person through means of mind control and what Zbignew Brzezinski called techonotronics, which would create human-like robots and a system of terror.
5. To bring about the end to all industrialization and the production of nuclear generated electric power in what they call “the post-industrial zero-growth society”. Excepted are the computer- and service industries.
6. To encourage, and eventually legalize the use of drugs and make pornography an “art-form.
7. To bring about depopulation of large cities.
8. To suppress all scientific development except for those deemed beneficial by the Illuminati.
9. To cause the death of three billion people by the year 2050, people they call “useless eaters”. The Committee of 300 (Illuminati) commissioned Cyrus Vance to write a paper on this subject of how to bring about such genocide. The paper was produced under the title “Global 2000 Report” and was accepted and approved for action by former President James Earl Carter, and Edwin Muskie, then Secretary of States, for and on behalf of the US Government. Under the terms of the Global 2000 Report, the population of the US is to be reduced by 100 million by the year of 2050.
10. To weaken the moral fiber of the nation and to demoralize workers in the labor class by creating mass unemployment.
11. To keep people everywhere from deciding their own destinies by means of one created crisis after another.
12. To introduce new cults and continue to boost those already functioning which include rock music gangsters.
13. To continue to build up the cult of Christian Fundamentalism begun by the British East India Company’s servant Darby, which will be misused to strengthen the Zionist State of Israel.
14. To press for the spread of religious cults such as the Moslem Brotherhood, Moslem Fundamentalism, the Sikhs, and to carry out mind control experiments.
15. To export “religious liberation” ideas around the world so as to undermine all existing religions.
16. To cause a total collapse of the world’s economies and engender total political chaos.
17. To take control of all foreign and domestic policies of the US.
18. To give the fullest support to supranational institutions such as the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Bank of International Settlements, the World Court and, as far as possible, make local institutions less effective, by gradually phasing them out or bringing them under the mantle of the UN.
19. To penetrate and subvert all governments, and work from within them to destroy the sovereign integrity of the nations represented by them.
20. To organize a world-wide terrorist apparatus and to negotiate with terrorists whenever terrorist activities take place.
21. To take control of education in America with the intent and purpose of utterly and completely destroying it.
Elizabeth II Queen of the United Kingdom: Monarch of the British Commonwealth, Supreme Governor of Church of England, head of International Freemasonry, head of the Order of the Garter, head of Committee of 300, owns 1/6th of worlds landmass. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elizabeth_II
Bill Gates: ex-CEO Microsoft, net worth $61B, allowed unfettered surveillance of MS Windows, connected to globalist depopulation efforts through vaccines, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_GatesÂ
Abdullah II King of Jordan: Important imperial puppet in Middle East, British-educated, American wife http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abdullah_II_of_Jordan
Roman Abramovich: Russian Oligarch, $12B net worth, major British tieshttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roman_Abramovich
Josef Ackermann: Swiss Banker and CEO Deutsche Bank http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Josef_Ackermann
Edward Adeane: British trustee, Eton graduate, private secretary of Prince of Wales http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_Adeane
Marcus Agius: British-Maltese financier, Group Chairman Barclay’s Bank, sits on board of BBC, married to daughter of Edmund de Rothschild http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marcus_Agius
Martti Ahtisaari: ex-president of Finland, 2008 Nobel peace prize, involved in UN action in Kosovo, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martti_Ahtisaari
Daniel Akerson: CEO General Motors, formerly CEO of MCI, General Instrument, Nextel, joined Carlyle group in 2003, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daniel_Akerson
Albert II King of Belgium: King of Belgium, same dynasty as Windsor (Saxe-Coburg-Gotha) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_II_of_Belgium
Alexander Crown Prince of Yugoslavia: heir to King of Yugoslavia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander,_Crown_Prince_of_Yugoslavia
Giuliano Amato: ex-PM of Italy, V.P of convention which drafted EU Constitution http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giuliano_Amato
Carl A. Anderson: 13th “Supreme Knight of the Knights of Columbus”, sits on council at Vatican Bank http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carl_A._Anderson
Giulio Andreotti_: ex-PM of Italy, accused in court of mob ties and murder http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giulio_Andreotti
Andrew Duke of York: 2nd son of Elizabeth II, 4th in line to throne of 16 countries, connected to pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prince_Andrew,_Duke_of_York
Anne Princess Royal: daughter of Elizabeth II, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anne,_Princess_Royal
Nick Anstee: 682nd “Lord Mayor of the City of London” connected to Arthur Andersen accounting scandal, director of int’l law firm SJ Berwin http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nick_Anstee
Timothy Garton Ash: British historian, Professor at Oxford, European CFR, winner of “George Orwell Prize” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timothy_Garton_Ash
William Waldorf Astor: 4th Viscount Astor, heir to Astor dynasty, Eton graduate, sits on House of Lords, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Astor,_4th_Viscount_Astor
Pyotr Aven: Russian Oligarch with close British ties http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pyotr_Aven
Jan Peter Balkenende: ex-PM of Netherlands, puppet of Queen Beatrix head of the Bilderbergs and cousin of Elizabeth II http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jan_Peter_Balkenende
Steve Ballmer : CEO of Microsoft, Net worth $15.7B, #5 on Jerusalem Post’s “World’s Richest Jews” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steve_Ballmer
Ed Balls: British politician, Fabian society, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ed_Balls
Jose Manuel Barroso: President of the European Commission, ex-PM of Portugal, former Maoist, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jose_Manuel_Barroso
Beatrix Queen of the Netherlands: Queen of Netherlands, head of Bilderberg Group, Club of Rome http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beatrix_of_the_Netherlands
Marek Belka: ex-PM of Poland, former IMF, former head of National Bank of Poland, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marek_Belka
Fred Bergsten: US economist, author, and political adviser, and member of globalist think tanks, ex-US Treasury Department http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C._Fred_Bergsten
Silvio Berlusconi :,ex-PM of Italy, $5.9B net worth, accused by courts of mafia collusion, false accounting, fraud, corruption and bribery http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silvio_Berlusconi
Ben Bernanke: Chairman of US Federal Reserve, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ben_Bernanke
Nils Bernstein: Danish National Bank http://da.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nils_Bernstein
Donald Berwick: head of US Medicare, medicaid, connected to Obamacare, Professor at Harvard Medical School, several British Titles http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Berwick
Carl Bildt: ex-PM of Sweden, involved in Balkans, globalist instigator, Club of Madrid http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carl_Bildt
Sir Winfried Bischoff : chairman of Lloyds Banking Group, ex-CEO of Citigroup, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sir_Winfried_Bischoff
Tony Blair: ex British PM, connected to illegal invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan, accused of war crimes, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tony_Blair
​Lloyd Blankfein: CEO Goldman-Sachs, connected to Rockefeller, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lloyd_Blankfein
​Leonard Blavatnik: Russian Oligarch living in London, net worth $10.1B, owner of Access Industries, connected to Harvard and Tel Aviv University, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leonard_Blavatnik
​Michael Bloomberg: Mayor of New York City, net worth $22B, owner of Bloomberg Media, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Bloomberg
Frits Bolkestein: Dutch politician involved in EU directives and globalism initiatives http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frits_Bolkestein
​Hassanal Bolkiah: Sultan of Brunei, net worth $20B, British Higher education, connected to Royal Dutch Shell, honorary Admiral of the Royal Navy of UK http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hassanal_Bolkiah
​Michael C Bonello: Governor of the Central Bank of Malta http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_C_Bonello
Emma Bonino : EU minister, ex-EU Parliament, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emma_Bonino
David L. Boren: US Presidential Advisor, ex-Governor of Oklahoma, ex-US Senate, ex-chairman of Intelligence Committee in Senate, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_L._Boren
Borwin Duke of Mecklenburg : Duke of Mecklenburg http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Borwin,_Duke_of_Mecklenburg
​Charles Bronfman: Owner of Seagram liquor, net worth $2B, Canadian Jew, founder of a Zionist charity, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Bronfman
​Edgar Bronfman Jr.: ex-CEO of Warner Music Group, member of Bronfman dynasty http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edgar_Bronfman_Jr.
​John Bruton: ex-PM of Ireland, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Bruton
Zbigniew Brzezinski: head of Trilateral Commission, former US presidential adviser, involved in globalist think tanks and propaganda, connected to 911, connected to bin Laden, connected to illegal war in Afghanistan, ex-Harvard, member of CFR, former head of Amnesty International, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zbigniew_Brzezinski
​Robin Budenberg: head of UK governmental body that oversaw the bailouts http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robin_Budenberg
Warren Buffett: Owner of Berkshire Hathaway, Â Net Worth $44B, profits off of American impoverishment, connect to Gulf of Mexico disaster as owner of Nalco which manufactured Corexit, a toxin still dumped in the Gulf, connected to 911, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warren_Buffett